Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Great start to a new year!

Looks like I am able to get to my Blog now, so here's the first for the year....

What a great start to the new year!  Our students are behaving well as they settle in for the coming year.  I think most, if not all, of them have figured out their locker, their schedule, and the lunchroom.  I cannot remember a smoother start to a school year.  I attribute that to our kids, you as their parents, and this extraordinary staff.

The construction of the additional classrooms is complete and we have moved all classes into the building.  That helps us keep students safer and more comfortable.  No more running to class in the rain.  No more bringing them to the building when there is bad weather.  Thank you citizens of Southlake.

As most of you know, I began my term as the president of the National Association of Elementary School Principals in July.  I haven't traveled during the start of school, but that will change.  I am in the midst of making a 'travel blog' so that our students can follow the action...especially when I visit schools and talk to other students.

Go Dragons!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day

As you enjoy time off with your family this weekend, take time to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of this great country. 

I'm looking forward to a busy week as we prepare to send our students into the summer break.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Band Award Winners for 2011 - 2012

I recently attended the annual Eubanks Intermediate and Dawson Middle Schools Spring Band Concert and, wow, what a performance!  the progress our students make in only one year is truly phenomenal.  I was actually walking toward the auditorium when our band began playing.  As I couldn't see the band I was disappointed in myself as I thought the middle school band had started and that I had missed ours.  Lo and behold, the band I heard was our own award-winning Eubanks Band!

Congratulations to our band students, Mr. Guerrero, Mr. Stone, and Ms. Bailey for a great performance.  In addition, kudos to our parents for their support of this program.

Progress on the Eubanks addition continues.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5th Grade Orientation

We welcomed 4th grade students from Carroll Elementary, Old Union Elementary, and Rockenbaugh Elementary to our school on Tuesday, May 8 for our annual 5th grade orientation.  It's that time of year when we prepare to send our 6th graders on to middle school as we welcome our incoming '5th graders.'  We are also prepared to see our current 5th grade students assert their leadership next year.

Our Eubanks Student Council recently received notice from the National Association of Elementary School Principals Foundation that they have, for the second consecutive year, been named a National Honor Council.  I appreciate the work our StuCo has done on behalf of our students and school, especially their community service projects.  Please congratulate these student leaders as well as their sponsors, Mrs. Katie Bonnette and Mrs. Lisa Gilbert.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Post-STAAR Comments

We all made it through our first STAAR test week.  Students, teachers, and I am sure, parents are happy to have that out of the way.  I am confident our students performed well.  We will not receive results that we can use to look at our program until October.  We are hopeful that the 'raw scores' we receive before then can help us a bit.  It is a bit mysterious as the State has changed the plan on several occasions.

Today is our Annual Fun & Run Day.  The students and teachers certainly needed a day to decompress.  What a beautiful day for the students!  I had a good time watching the races, relays, games, and the kickball tournament.  Thanks to Mrs. Bullock and her team of volunteers including parents, PALS, and teachers for giving time for this great day.

The construction project is going well.  The foundation is complete, the ironwork is up, and the first set of walls is going up.

Foundation, Ironwork, and First Walls

Friday, March 2, 2012

Puppet Club Visits Daycare Centers

Today I was honored to accompany the Eubanks Puppet Club to Primrose Daycare to see their performance to their pre-school students. Our students did an impressive job both in their presentation and in their interaction with the youngsters.

[Pictured at left is Puppet Club Sponsor and Music Teacher Megan von Dreau]

As a principal, I was very proud of our students. The kids at Primrose sat in rapt attention, at least most of them. After the performance, our students mingled with the pre-schoolers allowing them to touch the puppets and to receive 'trading cards' of the puppets and their makers. It was a great day!

[The Eubanks Puppeteers in action]

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reading to Fifth Graders

I spent my Monday reading to Mrs. Hunt's classes. I always enjoy the time I spend with students. The book we read was The Other Side by Jacqueline Woodson. It is a book set in the late 1950s to early 1960s. As I attended elementary school in the 60s, it gives me a chance to talk to the students about growing up in that time period. The students have many good questions for me; Can you milk a cow? What's a party line? In addition, the book has a great message to our kids about all races and ethnicities growing up together. You might want to check it out sometime.