Friday, April 27, 2012

Post-STAAR Comments

We all made it through our first STAAR test week.  Students, teachers, and I am sure, parents are happy to have that out of the way.  I am confident our students performed well.  We will not receive results that we can use to look at our program until October.  We are hopeful that the 'raw scores' we receive before then can help us a bit.  It is a bit mysterious as the State has changed the plan on several occasions.

Today is our Annual Fun & Run Day.  The students and teachers certainly needed a day to decompress.  What a beautiful day for the students!  I had a good time watching the races, relays, games, and the kickball tournament.  Thanks to Mrs. Bullock and her team of volunteers including parents, PALS, and teachers for giving time for this great day.

The construction project is going well.  The foundation is complete, the ironwork is up, and the first set of walls is going up.

Foundation, Ironwork, and First Walls